Dressing To Glorify Christ

Before giving my life to Jesus, I dressed very worldly and used to wear revealing clothing. For example, I wore short/tight fitting dresses, crop tops and short skirts and shorts. Such styles were very common among my peers and were considered attractive, but they didn’t please or glorify God. When I dressed that way, I attracted the wrong kind of attention from men. I didn’t want men to look at me lustfully, but that was the message I was giving by wearing those types of clothes. You see, If you carry yourself like a godly woman, a man will think very carefully about how he is going to approach you. Many times though, women complain about being approached disrespectfully or they don’t like the type of men who approach them, but they are not considering it may have something to do with the way they present themselves physically. Think about it, will a godly man want to be with a woman who dresses in a way that entices men to lust after her?

I used to dress the way I did because I thought it was normal. I didn’t see anything wrong with it at all because I was influenced by my surroundings. I know that is the case for many others as well. As Christians though, we are supposed to stand out from others! How will we do that by dressing like the world does? Nowadays many women are copying what celebrities or influencers on social media are wearing, but those people are generally not concerned with pleasing God. I want to encourage my fellow sisters in Christ to think about the way they present themselves physically, and ask themselves if it is really pleasing in God’s eyes. You can also pray for The Holy Spirit to show you and help you dress in a way that glorifies Jesus.

(If you would like to know how you can make Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of your life please click here.)

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