Hey, I’m Jolie!

A wife, mom, and business coach who’s passionate about helping women run their own businesses and grow in their faith.

I know you want to make money doing what you love and have more time for your family and ministry. That’s why I’m here to help you get started, grow online, and take actionable steps to make a full-time income with your business.

No more procrastinating, no more fighting imposter syndrome, and no more getting stuck in analysis paralysis.

Here you’ll find the faith-based tools and community you need to follow through on your God-given business.

Proverbs 22:29

Do you see someone skilled in their work? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank.

The Story Continues…

After specializing in copywriting, I sold my first 4-figure offer and eventually my freelance home business turned into in-house roles at companies like The Virtual Savvy and Ramsey Solutions.

I’ve since helped earn over $15 million in revenue for other businesses with my copy and have trained over 2,000 students through online classes.

Whatever your story is, you can start right where you are! God will give you everything you need to get started…
You just need to step out in faith.

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