How Do You Represent Christ On Social Media?

When I started out in my walk with Christ, I was very passionate about sharing my faith—whether it was with my unsaved friends or on social media, I couldn’t help but incorporate my faith into everything I was doing. Looking back though, I recognize ways that (in spite of my good intentions), I may have misrepresented God because of lack of understanding.

I see other brothers and sisters do this often, and I felt it on my heart to address it. A lot of Christians can be quick to judge or condemn, but God has come to show me that some mistakes people make are because God has not yet given them revelation in that area.

If you claim to be a man or woman of God, and are active on social media, I must ask: what things are you open about on those social platforms? What kinds of photos are you sharing of yourself? What kinds of conversations are you having with people?

1 Peter 1:15-17 says:

but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.” And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work, conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; (NKJV)

My brothers and sisters in Christ—are you being Christ-like on your Facebook or Instagram profiles? I do not mean whether or not you post about your faith, but whatever you are sharing, would it be acceptable before God?

I pray that while reading this, The Holy Spirit convicts you of any ways that you misrepresent Him.

I challenge you brothers and sisters: go on your social profile right now, and take a moment to pray for God to show you what is displeasing to Him.

Just as God has helped me in this area, I believe He wants to help others as well.

God bless you!

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